Shipping & Returns

What countries do you ship to?

Currently, we ship to United States, Canada, Australia, and EU countries.

How long does shipping take?

Shipping may take approximately 2-4 weeks depending on your location and the products you purchased. You can find out where the fulfillment centers for a particular item are located in the product description. If you order products that ship from different fulfillment centers, your order may be split into multiple packages that arrive at different times.

Where do you ship from?

Products are manufactured on demand at fulfillment centers located world wide. Different products may have different fulfillment center locations.

Are there customs fees upon delivery?

Depending on the products purchased and the location of the fulfillment center, you may have to pay duties and import taxes upon delivery of your products. You may be able to avoid customs fees by only purchasing products with fulfillment centers located in your country (or if you are from an EU country, then a fulfillment center located within EU). Different product types may have different fulfillment center locations. You can find out where the fulfillment centers for a particular item are located in the product description.

EU Customers: If you order a product that only has fulfillment centers outside of EU, then you may have to pay import taxes upon delivery of your order in addition to the VAT charged at checkout. To avoid double taxation, make sure to only order products that ship from within EU.

What is your return policy?

You may return your product for a refund if you request a refund within 14 days of receipt of the product. Since products are made on demand, refunds are only issued in cases where the product is defective, incorrect, or confirmed to be lost in transit. If you would like to return your product, please contact us. Once the validity of the return has been confirmed, we will send you the appropriate return address for your product. Orders may only be cancelled if the fulfillment is not already in progress.