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✅ Interactive pdf workbook

✅ 150+ questions and checklist items

✅ Gain insight into your autistic traits

✅ Preparation for an official diagnostic assessment

✅ Written and designed by a late-diagnosed autistic woman

✅ 30 Day money-back guarantee

Stickers & Clothes

Merch including stickers and clothing are now available for purchase! All designs are made by me, Ellin Park (@autistic.qualia), an autistic creator. Your purchases help support my content creation. :)

Shipping is available to US, Canada, Australia, and EU.

About Me

Hi! My name is Ellin and I’m a Korean-Canadian writer currently living in Finland.

In 2021, I was late-diagnosed with autism at the age of 28 after a lifelong struggle of feeling like I was from another planet. Now I share my stories on social media (@autistic.qualia) and blog to raise autism awareness and connect with others like me.